who is brie-yun?

 Within my work as a graphic designer and artist, my experience as a biracial black woman, psychology major and studio art minor, and ex-athlete act as a driving force of inspiration; Allowing me to create unique solutions and approach projects in a way that satisfies the needs of multiple demographics. I first began working as a graphic designer in 2019 as a Gig Hub consultant at the Hurt Hub in Davidson, NC.  Throughout my career, I have worked with multiple startups and helped them to establish both their brand guidelines and media presence. I fell in love with my work and began to understand how multi-dimensional art can be. I spent the fall of 2021 studying graphic design and psychology in Copenhagen, Denmark. During my time there, I gained a more worldly perspective of design and grew both personally and professionally. Following a successful internship in 2022, I was promoted to Junior Designer and joined Lippe Taylor, a marketing agency, full-time. I am excited to further develop my knowledge and establish new partnerships as I develop my career.

Click the button below for a comprehensive look at my experience and skill set.



Four long years later, I got the degree!! God is Good!!